
Friday, April 19, 2013

Just a few thoughts on mental health

First I would like to say, I been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder and acute schizophrenia.  That being said it's been a journey for me.  When I first started to get treatment for both disorders, or I should say when I started to get proper treatment for them both.  I was a mess mentally and physically, at that time things really started to change for the better; at the time I didn't even know what either disorder meant.  But it took a long time to actually before I started to get help in a more of a real sense about three years ago.  During that time I had to go into rehab for my addiction to prescription xanax, that I was actually prescribed by my doctor at the time.  Well after I got off a lot of the medication I was prescribed at the time.  But I still think pot is a medication, so that being said it's not for everyone; but I don't recommend it to everyone.  But one thing I known from experience is a lot of symptoms go along with both of them and as well as any other mental illness.  but starting with ptsd some symptoms include jumpiness, anger management issues, depression for starters.  While still some of the causes for both aren't still isn't totally defined yet.  But if you are going through troubled times, don't be ashamed to get treatment for any mental illnesses because they are health problems just like physical health problems so don't let them steal your joy seek help before it becomes to much to handle on your own. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Money on my mind

I got a few things on my mind, but the main thing is money.  I would like to be working again, so I can earn more money; but turn around and make extra money like with stocks and other things.  But hells bells I would be happy to be able to pay off the bills in a month or two.  But what can ya do sometimes just make the best of any situation and bite the bullet. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

New beginning and gnu

Well like the title suggest new beginning might be in my future as well gnu software but the earlier may require a move, the destination Augusta Georgia....  there are a few reasons for a move, both personal and quite possible professional aspects that comes with any big change like this.  From the looks of Augusta there are tons of opportunity, that I'm looking at; but doesn't make it any less scary.  But with any big change in my life (within the last few years anyway) I'm going prepared definitely not going blindly this time.  One thing that's peeked my interest is higher education.  One is a technical school that teaches computer programming as well as other things.  Also Linux user groups as well as a hacker group, so definitely knowledge being passed around.  Plus as well as a lot of financial opportunities there.  Not many people know that I'm on disability and I'm getting to the point to where I can work again and there's nothing here for me, not even a reliable form of transportation here.  An as far as work I can't even get a job working at burger king especially when there are 50 other people wanting the same job for cheaper.  An the lack of skills I didn't receive at Tennessee technical school is frustrating, an the associates degree I got is now the finest outhouse wallpaper money could buy.  I needed a+ certification and didn't get because of bucking the system there.  An I was made choose between taking care of my dying mother or show up on time all the time.  Well I was taught family comes first and the rest will fall into place.  So could this be the answer, I don't know, but I got nothing to lose by this endeavor.  but there are some sticking points that have me bothered, but will be going into this new situation well armed and hopefully with a better out look on things both big and small.  Now onto gnu software,  I got an idea of making a collection of more pro audio software all under the gpl, as to respect peoples freedom as a user as well as the developers.  But will be taking a small donation, for my so to be better programming skills.  Also may need to help place of operating costs as well as continuing education.  That's where the Linux user and hacker groups will come into play.  Because I believe free and open source truly is the way to go, because I want the freedoms I've received can be passed along to the next user/developer.  But free as in speech as well as free as in beer.  Well that's all for now, later on and in the immortal words of Spock "live long and prosper"

Why does this have to be harder then it really should be

Well be calling local places to find used servers or hells bells the parts to built a server because I UPS here is a joke because we are do hard to find.  So figure why not go local plus I always want to boost the local economy when I can!  But the usps knows where we are at, the only reason I know that is because of the stream of bills that come lol.  So may give Ebay another shot, but don't have the money outright to pay for one.  But would like to build one of my own, plus dust off my techie skills and make an honest go of it again.  Any keep everyone updated on my progress.  Space in the bass means peace see ya later...

Friday, April 5, 2013

Kevin Smith

Just got done watching a Kevin Smith is the man, just for done watching an Q&A.  It was pretty good, gives me a lot to think about.  I want to get back into programming that old school hacker programming!  Programming that matters and programs released under the gpl.  I would like to bring back the gpl v.2.  I would like to make some money off of it, but if I don't no big deal.  But I can also say I believe in free as speech, but also free as in beer too, but mostly as in speech.  I like to make money doing that and music, but I believe in free and open source software.  I believe in respecting the developers and users rights, sharing is so important to me.  Kinda wanting to get back to that kind of "original digital gangsters" programming.  Because I honestly believe we all are at the beginning of a new era a renaissance if you will of creation, we're enlightenment will be the main objective; not just how much cash will be made.  But don't get me wrong lots if money to be made, but think enlightenment will be will be the center of it all and money will be a happy side effect (for lack of a better term).  We need to take the country back, to be for the people by the people.  Because it's average men and women like me that really keep this country going and the bullying by the government has to come to an end.  Because this nation was founded on a group of rebels, that another reason I'm with the free/open source movement, even today because it was brought on by a bunch of rebels.  As a final thought in the immortal words of the doors "time hesitate through"